The cluster AESTHETIC(s) builds on a double approach. 

Firstly, our aim is to attract articles and essays from the international academic community, whose members are engaged in specialized research on Performing Arts and Cinema, in all their variations: from stages to screens and alternative spaces. 

Secondly, we intend to offer a space of expression to artists engaged in a reflective and intellectual approach, notably in accordance with the emergence of research-in-creation – a domain dedicated to the deconstruction of the cleavage between scholars and artists.

Given the protean and proliferating nature of contemporary Performing Arts and Cinema (and their interweaving with other arts), three axes are envisaged.

The first axis draws upon CHOREOGRAPHIES in all their aesthetic manifestations (performances, hybrid dances and circus dances, spiritual choreographies, etc.) and therapeutic usages (for example, the healing dimension of the movement of the body in treating disabilities, or pathologies such as Alzheimer, Parkinson, autism, etc.). 

The second axis draws upon DRAMATURGIES in all their manifestations, such as text (plays), stage, and screen. We aim to investigate the dynamics of presence/absence of the text in  artistic productions; the construction of scenic and cinematographic spaces according to the absence/presence of the body; the ways in which ecology shapes today’s stages and screens; theatrical and cinematographic utopias and dystopias; transhumanism on stage and on screen; the presence of animals and inorganic materials in  artistic creation, etc.

The third axis draws upon the PROFESSIONS of artistic production. Is it pertinent to ascertain an aesthetic of professions in artistic production? In which conditions and according to what criteria? In Vivo intends to offer a space of expression and reflection dedicated to specialists who operate on the other side of stages and screens (and whose activities are marginally explored in academia): curators, producers, critics, stage managers, marketing specialists, talent agents, etc. Their experiences can be further explored in the DIALOGUE(S) section.